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Senior Project Information

The senior project is a culminating project that all HSD students must complete in order to graduate. This project includes work-based/experiential learning and is usually related to student's future plans and college/career goals. Students can complete their senior project in a capstone CCP course, in a course named senior seminar, or independently. All students must meet the basic expectations outlined in the following document. Students in CCP capstone courses must fulfill all requirements as outlined by their teacher. Students who complete extra requirements within their chosen CCP and maintain grades of B or better in their CCP courses will be awarded with a ceremonial cord to be worn at the graduation ceremony.

Students and guardians with questions should reach out to their student's CCP teacher or Senior Seminar Teacher.



CCP one-pagers and more information


Contact Us


Career and College Pathways Contacts

Career & College Pathways Office

  • Help students with internship/ELO placements

  • Help students with CRLEs and Job shadows

  • Organize field trips and career-related learning events for students

  • Support students/teachers with requirements for completing CCP

Carolyn Lanthrum Secretary  

Whitney Sahlfeld CCP Counselor  

Architecture and Drafting

-Architectural Drafting 2 (needed to be taken 2021-22 school year)

Michael O’Connor

Visual Arts

-Art 3, Art 4, AP Art Studio

David Ball 


-Wind Ensemble, Percussion

Ben Adams

Business and Marketing

-Management and Business Seminar

Finance - Eric Walker 

Marketing - Jeff Nielsen 


-Concert Choir, Vocal Ensemble

Melissa Reed

Civics and Community Service

-Civics and Comm. Serv. 2

Lisa Pearson


-Construction 2

Todd Patterson 

Early Childhood Education

-Child Development 3,Child Development 4

Michelle Freed


-Engineering Design and Development

Scott Jackson 

Graphic Design

-Graphic Design 3, Graphic Arts Studio

Ian Reynoso 

Health Sciences

-Health Sciences 2

Melanie Lewis


-Student Government

Tom Stephens 

Senior Seminar

 *Not a CCP, senior project only

Layton Fishback 

Theater and Film

-Theater 3/4, Tech Theater 2, Film 2 

Lori Daliposon


-Machine Welding 2

Jonathan Stupfel 

Work Experience

 *Not a CCP, senior project only

Shannon Corbeau

Automotive @ Hilhi

Carolyn Lanthrum

Fire Science @ Liberty

Carolyn Lanthrum